MPA Annual Convention Exhibitor Information

Show Hours

  • Friday, April 11 – 4:30-7:30 p.m. (Exhibit Hall Grand Opening)
  • Saturday, April 12 – 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
View 2024 Convention Exhibitor Prospectus

For additional information on sponsoring and exhibiting at the 2025 MPA Annual Convention & Exposition, contact MPA Chief Strategy Officer Bryan Freeman at (517) 377-0257 or

Exhibit Booth

The Michigan Pharmacists Association (MPA) 2025 Annual Convention & Exposition promotes the professional development of pharmacists through educational sessions, identification of resources, networking and social events. The Exposition provides a forum to meet the pharmacy professionals who purchase the products and secure the services that your organization supplies. The Convention typically will attract over 700 attendees representing community, consultant/specialty, health-system pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, academia and student pharmacists. When you reach MPA Annual Convention attendees, you also reach the pharmacies, hospitals and universities where they are employed and the people they work with every day.

Reasons to Exhibit:
  • Showcase new products
  • Network with pharmacy professionals
  • Build brand awareness of your products and services
  • Establish and develop relationships with new customers
  • Maintain and strengthen existing client relationships
Exhibit Boot Package Includes:
  • Four (4) complimentary registrations for the Convention
  • Discounted fees for representatives attending education programs and earning continuing education credit
  • Convention attendee list
  • One (1) 8-foot deep by 10-foot wide booth space
  • Two (2) chairs
  • One (1) skirted table (8 feet by 30 inches)
  • One (1) 7 inches by 44 inches exhibit ID sign to include company name and booth number
  • One (1) waste basket
  • Backwall and side drapes
  • Pre-show janitor service in aisles and cleaning of exhibit booth

*Up to four representatives may be in the exhibit booth at the same time. Booth attendance will be monitored. A violation of this policy may lead to dismissal from the event. Please contact Bryan Freeman, MPA director of marketing and communications, for more information.

CE for Exhibitors

Exhibitors may attend educational programs and receive continuing education credit at a reduced rate. A registration fee of $150 will apply for each person requesting continuing education credit (limited to four people per company). More information will be included in the 2024 Annual Convention & Exposition Exhibitor Prospectus.

Use of MPA's Logo
Exhibitors may not use the MPA logo or the name of MPA in any manner that associates any exhibit or activity during the Convention with MPA without the expressed written consent of the Michigan Pharmacists Association.

2024 Registration Deadline, Cancellation and Refund Policy

Companies wishing to exhibit at the MPA Annual Convention & Exposition must complete and send the application form before Feb. 9, 2024. Requests made after this date may not be accommodated. Refunds (minus a $350 administrative fee) will be granted for cancellations received in writing (email, postmark or fax date) prior to Jan. 5, 2024. No refunds will be granted for cancellations received Jan. 6 through Feb. 22, 2024, no shows or the Convention being rescheudled for a later date. Refunds will be granted only of the Convention is canceled.

The registration deadline, cancellation and refund policy for the 2025 Convention will be announced later this year.

For More Information

If you would like additional information on exhibiting at the 2025 MPA Annual Convention & Exposition, contact MPA Director of Marketing and Communications Bryan Freeman at (517) 377-0257 or