Michigan Society of Community Pharmacists
The Michigan Society of Community Pharmacists (MSCP) is a practice section of Michigan Pharmacists Association, governed by the MSCP Board of Directors.
MSCP is the state professional organization of community pharmacists, representing independent, chain and outpatient pharmacists in Michigan, cooperating to advance public health, patient care and the interests of the pharmacy profession.
Community Pharmacy Quick Links
- Alliance for Patient Medication Safety
- Alliance for Pharmacy Compounding
- Contact MSCP
- Community Pharmacy Foundation
- MSCP Awards
- MSCP Board Nominations
- Community Pharmacy Residency Programs
- National Association of Chain Drug Stores
- National Community Pharmacists Association
- Pharmacy Quality Commitment
- PSI Insurance Agency
- RxOwnership: Plan an Independent Pharmacy Career
- Targeted Medication Safety Best Practices for Community Pharmacy
> To provide an opportunity to share information and increase communication between community pharmacists, other health care professionals and the public.
> To develop and conduct programs for maintaining and improving the competence of community pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and other supportive personnel.
> To disseminate information about pharmacy services and rational drug use.
> To assist members of the Society in achieving economic, educational, governmental and professional goals.
> To advance the professional image of community pharmacists and promote public awareness of community pharmacy.
> David Bright, Chair
> Courtney Biehl, President
> Mike Nabolsi, President-elect
> Mark Glasper, Staff Liaison
> CJ Heisler, MSPT Liaison
> Ben Bringedahl
> Arthur Dakessian
> Tonino Michienzi
> Amy Ellis
> John Gross
> Brooke Roe
> Jeff Steffey
> Brittany Stewart
> Katie Wenstrom
>Austin Brown
To make a nomination for the MSCP Board, please visit the Nominations and Elections page. If you have any questions regarding the MSCP Board of Directors, please contact MPA staff liaison Mark Glasper at (517) 377-0226.
The following are current priorities of the MSCP Board of Directors:
Oral Contraceptive Prescribing Project
The Board’s efforts will include:
- Advocacy for prescribing/billing for oral contraceptives within the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) and Medicaid. This will include discussions on development of a statewide standing order, similar to that in Oregon, and expanding Medicaid medication therapy management (MTM) services to include oral contraceptive prescribing.
- Development of a clinical education program. MSCP and MPA will work with colleges and others to develop an appropriate clinical education program.
- Implementation of a support process that addresses the educational, legal and operational issues around oral contraceptive prescribing.
The MSCP Board of Directors consists of officers (Chair, President, President-elect and Secretary/Treasurer) as well as 11 Board member positions. An additional member of the Board also serves as co-editor of the Society newsletter.
The term of office for Chair, President and President-elect is one year. Board member positions are three-year terms. The President-elect assumes the office of President the next operational year, and the President assumes the office of Chair. The Secretary/Treasurer is the MPA staff liaison assigned to the Board.
The MSCP Board of Directors traditionally meets four times per year: in January, April, September and November at the MPA Headquarters in Lansing.
- MSCP Board Nominations
- Members in good standing are encouraged to submit nominations for the MSCP Board of Directors. Each year, MSCP requests nominations from practice section members for open Board member positions. Nominations are due July 1 each year. If you are interested in nominating someone for the MSCP Board, please complete the online nomination form.
- MSCP Board Elections
- The Nominations Committee, appointed by the President, submits a slate of candidates nominated by members in good standing for vacant Board positions as well as two candidates for the officer position of President-elect selected from Board members who have served for at least one year. Active members of MSCP are sent a ballot with an approved slate of candidates, including candidate biographies to review prior to voting. These materials are traditionally sent in late September, and voting must be completed by the end of October. Results of the election are announced in next regularly scheduled newsletter of the Society. Elected Board members officially take office on Jan. 1 each year.
If you have any questions regarding MSCP Board of Directors nominations and elections, please contact please contact MPA at (517) 484-1466 or MPA@MichiganPharmacists.org