Consultant and Specialty Pharmacists of Michigan

The Consultant and Specialty Pharmacists of Michigan (CSPM) is a practice section of Michigan Pharmacists Association, governed by the CSPM Board of Directors.

CSPM is the state professional organization of consultant pharmacists, representing long-term care and home care pharmacists in Michigan, cooperating to advance public health, patient care and the interests of the pharmacy profession.

2024 CSPM Board of Directors

> Matthew McTaggart, Chair

> Manjula Jayabalan, President

Rema Farran, President-elect

> Mark Glasper, Secretary/Treasurer

> Adam King, MSPT Liason

> Roua Dabal

> Allen Doan

> Steve Erickson

> Jody Gembarski

> Thomas Joseph

> Rodney Sharp

> Brittany Kinney

> Sarah Lerchenfeldt

> Kim Moon

> Andrew Nobani

> To provide an opportunity to share information and increase communication between consultant pharmacists, other health care professionals and the public.

> To develop and conduct programs for maintaining and improving the competence of consultant pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and other supportive personnel.

> To disseminate information about pharmaceutical services and rational drug use.

> To advance the professional image of consultant pharmacists and promote public awareness of the practice of consultant pharmacy. 

The Bylaws for CSPM are included within the Chapter Manual. The manual also includes information on the Board of Directors, CSPM awards, planning a meeting and more.

CSPM presents a Pharmacist of the Year Award at its Annual Meeting and Luncheon during the MPA Annual Convention & Exposition, typically held the last weekend in February. Please visit the Awards page for additional information.
The following are current priorities of the CSPM Board of Directors:

Professional issues

  • Pharmacist provider status
  • Third party issues
    • Quality standards
    • Specialty pharmacy / specialty medications
    • Any willing pharmacy
  • Third party and government agency audits
  • Pharmacy technicians – implementation of new law
  • Patient monitoring standards
  • Notification of changes in health care
  • Drug shortages

Focused value of membership

  • Membership efforts focused on the value statement and building the CSPM “brand”
  • Surplus of pharmacists

Focused education

  • Promotion of what CSPM is doing
  • Types of education available to members
  • Additional education on specialty medications
  • Legislative and regulatory issues