Michigan Pharmacists Association (MPA) has several standing committees to assist with conducting the business of the Association and advancing pharmacy practice in Michigan. Joining one of these groups allows you to make an impact on your profession, while networking and collaborating with peers.
MPA is hosting a committee kickoff day Jan. 16, 2025, involving the committees listed below. Additional committee meetings throughout the year are scheduled by each individual group. Each committee is also assigned charges to accomplish throughout the year. Committee members are appointed to a one-year term (January-December).
If you are interested in participating in a committee, please fill out the online MPA Member Engagement Form.
Click on the sections below to learn more about each of the Committees.
Committee Purpose
The MPA Professional Affairs Committee works jointly with MPA staff to evaluate professional issues and serve as a resource on issues that impact the profession, while providing a means of engagement for members interested in professional affairs. The committee also supports the development of educational resources that meet the needs of MPA members, while providing a means of engagement for members interested in education and training. In addition, committee members manage the annual NASPA-NMA Student Pharmacist Self-care Championship held during the annual convention; evaluate patient safety tools; and educate members on health information exchange and involvement in regional health information organizations.
Leadership & Composition
This committee is made up of the MPA Staff Liaison and at least two representatives from each MPA practice section (SMPA, MSPT, CSPM, MSCP, and MSHP). Although an ideal committee size may range from 10 to 15 members, it is at the discretion of the MPA President how many total members are appointed/maintained throughout the year. Beyond the minimum practice section representation, it is also prudent for the MPA President to strive for diversity in practitioner type (e.g., new, independent, academic, long-term care, specialty, industry, etc.). Members are appointed by the MPA President to a one-year term in collaboration with the leadership of each practice section. Consideration for reappointment is dependent on interest expressed to MPA using its current volunteer form. Members who miss three consecutive meetings or more than 50% of scheduled meetings are subject to removal from the Committee. If any vacancies occur, it is the responsibility of the committee to report this to the MPA President so that he/she may appoint a member(s) to fill the vacancy/vacancies.
Committee Purpose
The MPA Government Affairs Committee works jointly with the MPA Director of Government Affairs to advocate for pharmacy legislatively, in alignment with MPA’s mission and current strategy, while providing a means of engagement for members interested in legislative affairs.
Leadership & Composition
This committee is made up of the MPA Staff Liaison, at least one representative from each MPA practice section (CSPM, MSCP, and MSHP). Beyond the minimum practice section representation, it is also prudent for the MPA President to strive for diversity in practitioner type (e.g., new, independent, academic, long-term care, specialty, industry, etc.). Members are appointed by the MPA President to a one-year term in collaboration with the leadership of each practice section. Consideration for reappointment in subsequent years is dependent on interest expressed to the MPA Staff Liaison and so documented on the Annual Committee Progress Report to the MPA Executive Board (EB).
Annual Responsibilities
- Ensure activities/products of the Committee align with the MPA Mission & Strategic Plan.
- Participate in MPA’s Committee Day(s) and additional meetings of the Government Affairs Committee. MPA Staff Liaison to ensure each set of meeting minutes are distributed to the MPA EB and practice section Boards of Directors at the next scheduled meeting.
- Respond to requests referred to the Committee by the MPA EB and MPA practice section Boards of Directors.
- Consider and make recommendations regarding the House of Delegates resolution(s) referred to the Committee by the EB.
- Select recipients for the Hank Fuhs Good Government, Good Public Health Policy, Representative of the Year, and Senator of the Year awards.
- Submit the annual Committee progress report to the MPA EB by November 1, 2025.
2025 Charges
- Review and discuss any potential pharmacy related legislation, or regulatory changes and make recommendations to the EB.
- Advocate for legislation to facilitate the expansion of pharmacist scope of practice, reimbursement and enhancing patient safety.
- Collaborate with governmental stakeholders and payer organizations to increase billing opportunities for pharmacist-provided services, including medical provider status for Michigan Medicaid and other third-party payers.
- Stimulate pharmacy professionals and others to take a more active and effective part in governmental affairs, political action, and civic responsibilities.
Committee Purpose
The MPA Marketing Committee acts as a sounding board for marketing strategies and tools, develops and hones innovative ideas, and provides feedback on marketing activities as requested by the MPA Marketing and Communications team. Each committee member brings unique marketing experience and a wealth of knowledge to share. The committee works to recruit and retain MPA members, increase public awareness of the pharmacist’s role in patient care and provide a means of engagement for members interested in developing tools for pharmacists and technicians to use in their campaigns to promote pharmacy.
Leadership & Composition
This committee is made up of the MPA staff liaison and at least two representatives from each MPA practice section (SMPA, MSPT, CSPM, MSCP, and MSHP) of whom one is appointed chair by the MPA President. Although an ideal committee size may range from 10 to 15 members, it is at the discretion of the MPA President how many total members are appointed/maintained throughout the year. Beyond the minimum practice section representation, it is also prudent for the MPA President to strive for diversity in practitioner type (e.g., new, independent, academic, long-term care, specialty, industry, etc.). Members are appointed by the MPA President to a one-year term in collaboration with the leadership of each practice section. Consideration for reappointment is dependent on interest expressed to MPA using its current volunteer form. Members who miss three consecutive meetings or more than 50% of scheduled meetings are subject to removal from the Committee. If any vacancies occur, it is the responsibility of the committee to report this to the MPA President so that he/she may appoint a member(s) to fill the vacancy/vacancies. The chair is responsible for setting the committee’s meeting schedule for the year and leading its meetings. The staff liaison is responsible for sending meeting invites, providing a meeting agenda, recording meeting minutes, and making meeting minutes available to the MPA EB and practice section Boards of Directors. The chair and liaison are jointly responsible for ensuring annual responsibilities and charges are fulfilled.
Committee Purpose
A Local Association Development Committee (LADC), a joint committee of the House of Delegates, and the Executive Board is established to administer policies and to make recommendations to the House of Delegates and/or to the Executive Board as appropriate in regard to meeting mandatory and supplemental activity requirements.
Leadership & Composition
The Local Association Development Committee shall be composed of the Vice Speaker serving as Chairperson, and a minimum of six delegates with a maximum of one delegate from each active local association appointed by the Speaker.
Committee Purpose
The Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Committee (DEIBC) works to ensure that every individual, regardless of background, identity or lived experience, has equal access to opportunities and resources in the profession. By promoting inclusivity and advocating for equitable practices, the DEIBC aims to build an environment where all voices are valued, barriers to success are dismantled and a sense of belonging thrives. Through education, collaboration, and strategic initiatives, the DEIBC is committed to advancing meaningful change and championing the principles of diversity and inclusion within MPA and the pharmacy community at large. It is dedicated to fostering a culture of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging within the field of pharmacy.
Leadership & Composition
This Committee Is Made up of the Mpa Staff Liaison and Representatives from Each Mpa Practice Section (Smpa, Mspt, Cspm, Mscp, and Mshp). Although an Ideal Committee Size May Range from 10 to 15 Members, It Is at the Discretion of the Mpa President How Many Total Members Are Appointed/Maintained Throughout the Year. Beyond the Minimum Practice Section Representation, It Is Also Prudent for the Mpa President to Strive for Diversity in Practitioner Type (E.g., New, Independent, Academic, Long-term Care, Specialty, Industry, Etc.). Members Are Appointed by the Mpa President to a One-year Term in Collaboration with the Leadership of Each Practice Section. Consideration for Reappointment Is Dependent on Interest Expressed to Mpa Using Its Current Volunteer Form. Members Who Miss Three Consecutive Meetings or More than 50% of Scheduled Meetings May Be Subject to Removal from the Committee. If Any Vacancies Occur, It Is the Responsibility of the Committee to Report This to the Mpa President so That an Other Member(S) to Fill the Vacancy/Vacancies.
Annual Responsibilities
- Ensure activities/products of the Committee align with the MPA Mission & Strategic Plan.
- Participate in MPA’s Committee Day(s) and additional meetings of the Committee. MPA Staff Liaison to ensure each set of meeting minutes are distributed to the MPA EB and practice section Boards of Directors at the next scheduled meeting.
- Respond to requests referred to the Committee by the MPA EB and MPA practice section Boards of Directors.
- Consider and make recommendations regarding the House of Delegates resolution(s) referred to the Committee by the EB.
- Submit the annual committee report to the MPA EB by Sept. 1, 2025.
2025 Charges
- Review mission alignment with MPA values and objectives.
- Create and promote a DEIB statement for MPA.
- Identify efforts to attract and retain a diverse workforce and membership.
- Identify and implement DEIB initiatives within MPA.
- Ensure that MPA programs and initiatives align with DEIB statement/values.
- Solicit authors and communicate strategies to promote DEIB initiatives/committee outcomes for the April, July, October, and January issues of the Michigan Pharmacist journal.