Our Awards

MPA, its practice settings, affiliated chapters and other related organizations have the distinct honor of presenting a variety of awards to recognize pharmacy professionals and organizations.

Scroll down to access information on awards for MPA, practice sections, affiliated chapters and affiliated organizations.

Congratulations to our 2024 MPA Pharmacist of the Year, Larry Wagenknecht


Larry D. Wagenknecht, Pharm.D., of Haslett, received the prestigious Pharmacist of the Year Award at the MPA Annual Convention & Exposition Awards Banquet on Feb. 24, 2024. The award is presented annually to an MPA member as the highest honor in Michigan pharmacy. Wagenknecht served on the MPA staff from 1983 to 2021. He was appointed MPA executive director in 1986 and was named CEO in 1994. Wagenknecht served as CEO until his retirement in 2021. He received his bachelor’s degree in pharmacy from the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy in 1979 and is a licensed pharmacist and pharmacy preceptor in the state of Michigan. He served as adjunct clinical faculty for the colleges of pharmacy at the University of Michigan and Ferris State University. Wagenknecht currently serves as chairman of the Michigan Health Information Network Shared Services board. He also served as member of the board of governors of the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board and chair of the Michigan Healthcare Stakeholders Opioid Stewardship Collaborative. He also served as the 2000-01 president of the National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations (NASPA) and served as secretary and governor of the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy Board of Governors. He has also served on numerous other committees and task forces with the state of Michigan, including the Prescription Drug and Opioid Abuse Task Force and Commission, Michigan Patient Safety Commission and the Michigan Health Information Technology Commission.


MPA Awards

The following MPA awards are presented during the Annual Convention & Exposition, which will take place during the month of April beginning in 2025. Nominations are due Oct. 30 each year. Click here to access the online nomination form for MPA awards. Click here to access a listing of all previous Association award winners.

The Pharmacist of the Year Award is presented annually to a member of Michigan Pharmacists Association as the highest honor in Michigan pharmacy. The recipient of this lifetime achievement award is selected for his or her professional excellence, exemplary service and dedication to advancing the profession and public health. This award is given for the culmination of achievements over the career of the individual.

It takes into consideration:

  • long-term, consistent dedication and outstanding achievements that have led to the advancement of the profession of pharmacy, public health and MPA.
  • a large variety of skills, attributes and accomplishments are combined to determine who is most qualified to win this award.
  • an individual strong in character, cumulative professional accomplishments and the ability to properly represent and model what pharmacy as a profession encompasses.
  • understanding the goals of pharmacy, and significantly contributes to how these goals may be accomplished.
Sponsored by American Pharmacists Association and the National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations, with support from Boehringer-Ingelheim

The Bowl of Hygeia Award is presented annually to a pharmacist who has made outstanding professional contributions and has participated in community or governmental activities that reflect well on the pharmacy profession. The Bowl of Hygeia derives its name from the Greek goddess, Hygeia, who was the guardian over the healing potion contained in the bowl.

It takes into consideration:

  • recognized activities that contribute to building stronger or more successful communities.
  • the amount of time given and difference that the individual makes within the community (or government).
  • service activities that do not necessarily promote the profession of pharmacy, such as involvement in food banks, community parks and recreation, youth activities, efforts to support the needy in the community, schools, etc.
  • governmental activities such as contributions to policy and decision-making within the political arena, increasing pharmacy’s visibility by working with various government representatives or legislators, or focusing attention on the health and well-being of the public in public policy, etc.

2024 Winner

Douglas Samojedny, New Baltimore

The Executive Board Medal Award is presented annually to an individual who has demonstrated an extraordinary personal commitment to MPA. The award was developed to recognize individuals who have been instrumental to the Executive Board and to the Association in advancing pharmacy’s agenda.

It takes into consideration:

  • cumulative service over the span of the individual’s advisory period.
  • contributions that help advance the profession of pharmacy.
  • leadership qualities such as vision for the advancement of the profession, problem-solving, strategic planning and implementation, ability to motivate, adaptability and perseverance, ability to oversee and manage projects, and selflessness and cooperation.

2024 Winner

Michael Toscano, Elk Rapids

Sponsored by Upsher-Smith Laboratories, Inc.

The Excellence in Innovation Award is presented annually to an individual or team who has demonstrated an innovative pharmacy practice program, resulting in improved patient care or safety, advancement of the profession, enhanced pharmacy systems or other professional development.

It takes into consideration:

  • activities that may involve pioneering new models or systems that improve pharmacists’ impact as members of the health care team; patient safety and outcomes; patient care in general; pharmacy systems or processes; and other professional development.
  • a system or tool for pharmacy professionals that will directly or immediately impact care or the profession and/or serve as an example or template for other pharmacy professionals to follow.
  • cumulative achievements or a single, outstanding program/project completed or conducted over time.

2024 Winner

Amber Lanae Martirosov, Troy

Sponsored by Pharmacists Mutual

The Pharmacists Mutual™ Distinguished Young Pharmacist Award (formerly the Distinguished New Pharmacist Practitioner Award) is presented annually to an MPA member pharmacist who has been licensed to practice for less than 10 years and participates in local, state and national pharmacy associations, professional programs and/or community service.

It takes into consideration:

  • licensure for less than 10 years.
  • cumulative contributions over the course of one’s early pharmacy career (10 years or less) or a significant achievement (within 10 years or less of licensure).
  • any area of practice, such as research, long-term care, health systems, community, nuclear pharmacy, home infusion, hospice, etc.
  • accomplishments or participation in local, state or national pharmacy associations, including involvement in Committees, Boards, projects, etc.
  • involvement in professional programs.
  • contributions in the workplace that improve patient care and/or safety, pharmacy systems, increasing or enhancing the pharmacist’s role(s) in providing health care.
  • an apparent desire and dedication to the advancement of the profession of pharmacy.

2024 Winner

Brooke Roe, Byron Center

Sponsored by Michigan Pharmacy Foundation

The Fred W. Arnold Public Relations Award is presented annually to an MPA member or team of MPA members who have shown outstanding achievement and dedication to the pharmacy profession through community education and awareness.

It takes into consideration:

  • cumulative events throughout the course of a career or for specific activity(s) that promotes the profession of pharmacy to the community and increases the visibility of pharmacy professionals.
  • education and awareness activities that convey information with the goal of positively impacting a person’s health and/or decision-making through information, screening, improved prevention or treatment.
  • reaching out to positively influence health and lifestyle by acting as the patient’s partner or mentor.
  • community education and awareness involving public speaking, presentations, ad campaigns, health screenings, various drives and fundraisers, etc.
  • smaller endeavors that have a high impact on a specific segment of the population. Examples include, but are not limited to, assisting small groups with understanding Medicare Part D, focused specialty counseling for diabetics in Asheville-like programs, etc.
  • qualities such as originality, creativity, the ability to assess and address the most pressing health issues currently facing a given population or group, effectiveness in connecting and relating health care information to the audience, and excellent public speaking and group facilitating abilities.

2024 Winner

Nada Farhat, Dearborn

This is the only award that requires the potential recipient to complete the application. Click here to access the Fellow of MPA application.

The designation Fellow of the Michigan Pharmacists Association recognizes achievements and dedication to the practice of pharmacy and the community. This distinction signifies the recipients’ actions well beyond regular pharmacy practice.

It takes into consideration:

  • three areas: professional actions in practice, public service and pharmacy association participation, all of which help define a well-rounded pharmacist.
  • Student MPA and/or MPA membership for a minimum of five years.
  • a minimum of 25 points in each of three categories, with a total of 100 points needed overall, to earn the fellowship (points may be retroactively added from the beginning of an applicant’s pharmacy career).

2024 Winners

Bradley Haan, Brooke Roe, Carol Bugdalski-Stutrud, Coutney Biehl, Katie Axford, Miranda Maitland, Sara Brown

The Pharmacy Hall of Honor was established by Michigan Pharmacists Association in 1986 to recognize members who have provided volunteer leadership in service to the Association by participating on Committees and in designated Association programs. Each year, qualifying members who have accumulated 500 points for their volunteer activities are inducted into the Hall of Honor. Any member is eligible to recieve Hall of Honor points. Members can accumulate a maximum of 100 points per year.

Criteria for points is as follows:

  • Serving on an organizational unit (Board, Committee, Task Force, etc.) – 10 points per meeting
  • Serving as a delegate on behalf of an MPA organizational unit – 10 points per session
  • Contributing an article in a MPA publication – 25 points per article
  • Giving a continuing education presentation – 25 points per presentation
  • Enrolling in Pharmacy PAC – 10 points per year
  • Serving as an officer or chair of an organizational unit (Chairman, President, President-elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Committee Chair, etc.) – 25 points per year

Hall of Honor points are tracked and maintained by MPA staff.

2024 Inductees: Joseph Fakhoury, Sheroyl Kirby, Amber Lanae Martirosov, Douglas Miller, Mary Beth O’Connell, Heather Schalk, Kyle Schmidt, Jesse Shuster, Sahar Swidan, Jamie Tharp, Thomas Tomaski

Practice Section and Affiliated Chapter Awards

Consultant and Specialty Pharmacists of Michigan (CSPM)
The following CSPM awards are presented at the Annual Meeting and Luncheon during the MPA Annual Convention & Exposition the last weekend in February. Nominations are due Oct. 30 each year. Click here to access the online nomination form for CSPM awards. Click here to access a listing of all previous Society award winners.
The CSPM Pharmacist of the Year Award is presented annually to a CSPM member who displays professional excellence and/or exemplary service to the profession toward advancing public health.

The criteria for the award is as follows:

  • practice in long-term care, home infusion or an alternate pharmacy site for a minimum of five (5) years.
  • must be a current member of MPA and CSPM.
  • may be nominated by component organizations or individual members.
  • may not be a current member of the CSPM Board of Directors.

2024 Winner

Mark Bomia, Canton

Michigan Society of Health-System Pharmacists (MSHP)
The following MSHP awards are presented at the Society’s Annual Meeting in November. Nominations are due Sept. 1. Click here to access the online nomination form for MSHP awards. Click here to access a listing of all previous Society award winners.
The MSHP Pharmacist of the Year Award is presented annually to recognize and honor a pharmacist who has made significant contributions to the practice of hospital pharmacy.

The criteria for the award is as follows:

  • active member of MSHP who has not received the award within the last 10 years.
  • may not be a current member of the MSHP Board of Directors.
  • outstanding achievements and leadership that embodies a model for other health care professionals to follow outstanding service and continued commitment to the profession of pharmacy, especially hospital pharmacy.
  • active participation in functions and activities of local, state or national organizations of hospital pharmacy.outstanding service to the community, such as participation in nonpharmaceutical organizations.
  • demonstrates innovative practice to improve the profession of pharmacy.
  • demonstrates interest in advancing the profession of pharmacy through publication, presentations, research or active involvement in educational activities.
  • an individual with highest integrity and professional ethics.

2024 Winner

Insaf Mohammad, Canton

The MSHP Joseph A. Oddis Leadership Award is presented annually in special recognition of exemplary leadership, outstanding commitment, vision, dedication and contribution to the Association, the Society and the pharmacy profession. This award is named in honor of Joseph A. Oddis, the former long-time executive vice president of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.

The criteria for the award is as follows:

  • is currently an MSHP member.
  • has been actively involved with MSHP.
  • has displayed consistent leadership in health-system pharmacy practice
  • has been a role model in health-system pharmacy practice.

2024 Winner

Marc Guzzardo, Rochester Hills

The MSHP Professional Practice Award is presented annually to a pharmacist for his or her involvement and participation in an innovative project (e.g., published research, projects or services implemented) that contributes to professional practice.

The criteria for the award is as follows:

  • applicant is a Michigan pharmacist, pharmacy services program or pharmacy practice site.
  • pharmacist(s) is/are the principal participant(s) in the project, poster presentation or program.
  • candidate has not received the MSHP Professional Practice Award in the last five years.
  • project has been undertaken within the last two years.
  • recipient will agree to submit their project for announcement in the MSHP Monitor.
  • project must produce results that contribute to professional pharmacy practice.
  • document that outlines the project, if unpublished, should follow the current ASHP manuscript or poster presentation guidelines.

2024 Winner

Nisha Patel, Bloomfield Hills

The MSHP President’s Award is presented annually to an individual pharmacist or group of pharmacists for their involvement in an activity, project and/or service, or for their commitment to the profession that advances the theme and goal of the MSHP Board/President during the Society year.

2024 Winner 

Collaboration to Harmonize Antimicrobial Registry Measures (CHARM), Ferris State University

Michigan Society of Community Pharmacists (MSCP)

The following MSCP awards are presented at the Annual Meeting and Luncheon during the MPA Annual Convention & Exposition the last weekend in February. Nominations are due Oct. 30 each year. Click here to access the online nomination form for MSCP awards. Click here to access a listing of all previous Society award winners.

The MSCP Pharmacist of the Year Award is presented annually to a member who displays professional excellence and/or exemplary service to the profession toward advancing patient care in the community setting.

The criteria for the award is as follows:

  • practice in community pharmacy for a minimum of five (5) years.
  • individual displays professional excellence and/or exemplary service to the community.
  • must be a current member of MPA and MSCP.
  • may not be a current member of the MSCP Board of Directors.

2024 Winner

Amy Ellis, Hudsonville

Michigan Society of Pharmacy Technicians (MSPT)

The following MSPT awards are presented at the Annual Meeting and Luncheon during the MPA Annual Convention & Exposition the last weekend in February. Nominations are due Oct. 30 of each year. Click here to access the online nomination form for MSPT Technician of the Year and the MSPT Service Award. Click here to access a listing of all previous Association award winners.

The MSPT Pharmacy Technician of the Year Award is presented annually to a deserving technician who is a credit to his/her workplace and also a good representative of a pharmacy technician.

The criteria for the award is as follows:

  • must be employed as a pharmacy technician in a professional practice setting.
  • must not have received this award in the past five years.
  • may be nominated by a co-worker, manager or pharmacist.

2024 Winner

Batoul Jaber, Dearborn Heights

The MSPT Service Award is presented annually to an organization or individual who has supported MSPT or pharmacy technicians in the area of overall service and support. The MSPT Board of Directors determines the recipient of this award. 
2023 Winner: Wrigley’s Pharmacy

Michigan Pharmacy PAC Awards

The following Pharmacy PAC awards are presented at the PAC Luncheon during the MPA Annual Convention & Exposition the last weekend in February. Nominations are due Oct. 30 each year. Click here to access the online nomination form for Michigan Pharmacy PAC awards. Click here to access a listing of all previous PAC award winners.

The Legislator of the Year Award is presented annually to legislators who have introduced or supported good public policy and have been supportive of the profession of pharmacy.

The criteria for the award is as follows:

  • recipient is not currently serving, nor has he/she served within the immediately preceding two years, as an officer of the Association other than in an ex-officio capacity or on its Awards Committee.
  • recipient does not currently have a family member serving as an officer, Board member, employee or Awards Committee member of MPA or PAC.
  • recipient must have demonstrated an extended effort to promote the enrichment of public health policy, the betterment of pharmacy interest or the profession of pharmacy.
  • demonstrated outstanding work for pharmacy goals and political agenda.
  • winning a particular award does not make that individual ineligible for that award in the future.

2024 Winners

Sen. Sylvia Santana and Rep. Alabas Farhat

The Good Public Health Policy Award is presented annually to individuals who have worked diligently for the advancement of public health policy for the citizens of Michigan.

The criteria for the award is as follows:

  • recipient is not currently serving, nor has he/she served within the immediately preceding two years, as an officer of the Association other than in an ex-officio capacity or on its Awards Committee.
  • recipient does not currently have a family member serving as an officer, Board member, employee or Awards Committee member of MPA or PAC.
  • recipient must have demonstrated an extended effort to promote the enrichment of public health policy, the betterment of pharmacy interest or the profession of pharmacy.
  • worked for the advancement of public health for the citizens of Michigan.
  • winning a particular award does not make that individual ineligible for that award in the future.

2024 Winner

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer

The Hank Fuhs Good Government Award is presented annually to pharmacy professionals in recognition of continued public service and political action on behalf of pharmacy in Michigan. This award is named in honor of Hank Fuhs, the long-time chairman of the Michigan Pharmacy Political Action Council.

The criteria for the award is as follows:

  • recipient is not currently serving, nor has he/she served within the immediately preceding two years, as an officer of the Association other than in an ex-officio capacity or on its Awards Committee.
  • recipient does not currently have a family member serving as an officer, Board member, employee or Awards Committee member of MPA or PAC.
  • recipient must have demonstrated an extended effort to promote the enrichment of public health policy, the betterment of pharmacy interest or the profession of pharmacy.
  • worked to advance pharmacy on a state and/or federal level and initiated grassroots efforts on local, state or federal levels.
  • must be a member of MPA.
  • must be a licensed pharmacist, a pharmacy technician or a student pharmacist.
  • winning a particular award does not make that individual ineligible for that award in the future.

2024 Winners

Amy Ellis, Jim Lilly and Michael Klepser

Local Association Awards

The following local association awards are presented at the House of Delegates Session during the MPA Annual Convention & Exposition the last weekend in February. Click here to access a listing of all previous Association award winners.

The Ernie Koch Striving for Excellence Award is presented annually to honor an individual who exemplifies the characteristics of commitment and responsibility to his or her local association in facilitating that organization to achieve excellence. The award consists of a plaque presented to the local association member and $500 contributed to the recipient’s local association.

Nominations are due Oct. 30 each year.  Click here to access the online nomination form for the Ernie Koch Striving for Excellence Award.

The criteria for the award is as follows:

  • successful and significant activity or body of work over a period of time on behalf of a local association.
  • must be a member of a local association and MPA.

2024 winner

Jennifer Priziola, Macomb

The Distinguished Local Association Achievement Award is presented annually to honor one local association in Michigan who has demonstrated exemplary or innovative activities through their efforts or accomplishments.

The criteria for the award is as follows:

  • must be an active local association, but the award is not dependent upon accumulation of points.
  • determined by the Local Association Development Committee based on submission of local reporting forms and other supplementary documentation.
  • not mandatory to be awarded annually.

The Local Association Achievement Award is presented annually to local associations in Michigan that have completed an outstanding number of functions on behalf of their membership, and motivate local association members to improve their effectiveness and efficiency through the completion of additional activities. It is bestowed upon any local that submits its annual report by the Nov. 30 deadline, completes all mandatory activities and accumulates at least 50 points in supplemental activities, as determined by the Local Association Development Committee.