Pharmacy Technician Programs

Pharmacy Tech Prep Online

Pharmacy Services Inc. (PSI) is pleased to offer Pharmacy Tech Prep Online as an employer-based training program approved by the Michigan Board of Pharmacy under MCL 333.17739a(1)(3)(iv). As a Board-approved program under MCL 333.17739a(4)

Individuals who are enrolled in the Pharmacy Tech Prep Online are allowed to work in the pharmacy without licensure as long as they remain enrolled in the program.

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Pharmacy Technician Advanced Training

The Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) is expanding its credentialing programs by adding five assessment-based certificate programs for advanced technician roles and an advanced Certified Pharmacy Technician (CPhT-Adv) credential.

As a nationally-recognized leader in the development of technician training resources, the Michigan Pharmacists Association (MPA) has developed a customized training program to help prepare pharmacy technicians for the new PCTB certificate focused on medication history and medication reconciliation.

MPA has developed training the following training programs that are recognized as fulfilling education requirements to prepare pharmacy technicians to complete the correlating PTCB certificate program.


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