MSHP Committees

The Michigan Society of Health-System Pharmacists (MSHP) has several standing committees to assist with conducting the business of the Society and advancing health-system pharmacy practice in Michigan. Joining one of these groups allows you to make an impact on your profession while networking and collaborating with peers.

MSHP committees meet during Committee Day, held in January and May of each year in the Lansing area. This allows committee members to meet in one location and work on their charges as well as network with other volunteers. If a committee requires additional meetings to accomplish its assigned charges, those meeting dates are arranged on an individual basis by the committee chair. Committee members are appointed to a one-year term (January-December).

If you are interested in volunteering on a committee please complete the online Member Engagement Form. Be sure to select Michigan Society of Health-System Pharmacists under the Practice Section cateogry which will display all MSHP committee and engagement opportutnities in addition to other MPA engagement opportunities. Volunteers are appointed by the MSHP President-elect in November and December for the following calendar year. Please note: the size of each committee is limited to the number of volunteers deemed appropriate for each participants to be effective and the President makes all committee appointments and volunteerings does not mean you will be placed on a committee.

The Antimicrobial Stewardship Committee, created in 2016, is responsible for exploring collaborative ways in which to minimize the development and emergence of antimicrobial resistance across Michigan, expand infectious diseases-related educational resources and collaborative practices for health-system practitioners in Michigan, and to champion and share successful antimicrobial stewardship practices throughout the state.

The Ambulatory Care Committee, created in 2015, aims to increase and promote the pharmacist’s role in ambulatory patient care, including transitions of care, with the goal of providing better care for individuals, achieving better health for populations and reducing health care costs. The Committee is charged with developing and/or assembling tools for pharmacists to establish and expand pharmacy ambulatory care services and identifying/creating methods to generate and increase reimbursement for such services. The Committee will also collaborate with other MSHP Committees to address these needs
The Educational Affairs Committee assists in developing educational programming for the MSHP Annual Meeting and the MSHP-sponsored programs at the MPA Annual Convention & Exposition. The Committee is responsible for contemporary programming that meets the needs of the membership.
The Membership Committee, a collaboration of MSHP and MPA members, works to increase and strengthen membership by developing activities for members. To encourage new members, the Committee also organizes the MSHP student luncheon, typically held during the MPA Annual Convention & Exposition. In addition, they evaluate member benefits and work on developing strategies to target special interest groups, including new practitioners and pharmacy technicians, for membership. 
The Organizational Affairs Committee is responsible for the policies and procedures governing the organizational structure of the Society. This Committee hosts an annual delegate caucus, during the MPA Annual Convention & Exposition, to discuss House of Delegates issues and communicates them to the members. They also work to increase involvement within the Society and its Committees.
The Publications Committee collaborates with other MSHP members to produce the official newsletter of the Society, the MSHP Monitor. Members develop the editorial calendar on an annual basis and work with the MPA Director of Communications to ensure the publication is a valuable communication and educational tool for the Society. 

The Residency Committee develops the annual Residency Conference sponsored by MSHP. Members of the Committee assist with the development of the educational programming, selection of speakers and promotion of the event. The Residency Conference is typically held in late May or early June.

Please see our events calendar for details. In addition, the Committee works to expand residency training opportunities in Michigan and encourages development of new and innovative residency programs. They are also responsible for maintaining the Michigan Residency Programs Web site and the toolkit for those interested in starting a residency program at their practice site. 

The Transitions of Care Committee aims to identify and provide examples of best practices during transitions of care. Adequate communication between healthcare professionals is essential for safe and effective patient care, especially during transition of care.

The Task Force is charged with describing the value of pharmacists and pharmacy technician at each patient transition, determine best practices for transition of care models across the state and describe the importance of safe care transitions for Michigan patients.