MPA Promotes Jalloul to Chief Pharmacy Officer

MPA News,

The Michigan Pharmacists Association (MPA) proudly announces the promotion of Farah Jalloul to chief pharmacy officer. Jalloul’s exceptional leadership, unwavering dedication and outstanding contributions to the Association have positioned her as the ideal candidate for this pivotal role. During her tenure with MPA, Jalloul has consistently represented the state and the pharmacy profession with professionalism and integrity. Her deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing pharmacy today, coupled with her visionary approach, make her exceptionally well-suited to guide the Association into the future.

“We are thrilled to announce Farah Jalloul’s promotion to chief pharmacy officer,” MPA CEO Mark Glasper said. “Her leadership, passion and vision will undoubtedly propel MPA forward as we continue to advocate for the profession of pharmacy and the well-being of patients across Michigan.”

As chief pharmacy officer, Jalloul will focus on shaping the future of pharmacy in Michigan. Specifically, Jalloul will focus on three key areas: grants, community pharmacy and students.

  • MPA sees grants as a growth area for MPA. Her expertise and strategic approach will be instrumental in securing funding to advance the Association’s goals and programs. By increasing grant revenue, Jalloul hopes to reinstate MPA’s Executive Fellowship.
  • Jalloul will continue to work closely with members to strengthen the role of community pharmacists and affirm the value of community pharmacy in delivering comprehensive patient care. She will champion initiatives aimed at strengthening the role of community pharmacists as trusted health care providers.
  • She will also work closely with our colleges of pharmacy at Ferris State University, Wayne State University and the University of Michigan to ensure students are actively engaged in the association and equipped with the knowledge and resources to thrive in their careers.

Jalloul was MPA’s Executive Fellow in 2017 and was named its director of professional affairs in 2018. She has also served as the state of Michigan’s pharmacy emergency preparedness coordinator since 2018. In 2023, she was awarded MPA’s Distinguished New Pharmacist Practitioner Award and was honored with the Hubert H. Humphrey Award by the American Pharmacists Association (APhA). Jalloul earned her Doctor of Pharmacy and Master of Business Administration from Ferris State University.